Gin, Spirits

Gordon’s Mediterranean Orange Gin Bottle 700ml

Gordon’s Mediterranean Orange Distilled Flavoured Gin is a testament to the art of distillation. Every batch undergoes a meticulous process where the botanicals are carefully selected and distilled to perfection. The essential oils and flavours from the oranges are delicately extracted, capturing the essence of the Mediterranean in every drop. The result is a flavoured gin of exceptional quality, characterised by its smoothness and complexity.
Over 250 years ago, Alexander Gordon started his distillery in London and set about creating the recipe for a brilliant-tasting gin. To this day Gordon’s is distilled to this same exacting standard and is the world’s number 1 bestselling gin. Gordon’s high quality and distinctive juniper flavour has come to define the taste of the classic G&T.

Origin: Ireland


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Gordon’s Mediterranean Orange Distilled Flavoured Gin is a testament to the art of distillation. Every batch undergoes a meticulous process where the botanicals are carefully selected and distilled to perfection. The essential oils and flavours from the oranges are delicately extracted, capturing the essence of the Mediterranean in every drop. The result is a flavoured gin of exceptional quality, characterised by its smoothness and complexity.
Over 250 years ago, Alexander Gordon started his distillery in London and set about creating the recipe for a brilliant-tasting gin. To this day Gordon’s is distilled to this same exacting standard and is the world’s number 1 bestselling gin. Gordon’s high quality and distinctive juniper flavour has come to define the taste of the classic G&T.