Rum, Spirits

Captain Morgan 0.0% 700ml

With Captain Morgan 0.0% you can now enjoy an irresistibly spiced flavour and smooth taste of Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold, without the alcohol. Experience the versatility when it comes to mixing your favourite cocktails and drinks.

Captain Morgan Spiced Gold 0.0% features notes of caramel, molasses, vanilla and warm brown spices and ends with a lingering warm spicy finish, just like Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold.

Origin: Ireland


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With Captain Morgan 0.0% you can now enjoy an irresistibly spiced flavour and smooth taste of Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold, without the alcohol. Experience the versatility when it comes to mixing your favourite cocktails and drinks. Captain Morgan Spiced Gold 0.0% features notes of caramel, molasses, vanilla and warm brown spices and ends with a lingering warm spicy finish, just like Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold.