Gin, Spirits

Beara Original Ocean Gin 700ml

Beara Ocean Gin is a hand-crafted small batch gin. It is a blend of four Distillates. Our Base gin is distilled with Juniper, Coriander, Angelica, Cardamom and Orris root, citrus zest, using only the zest from pink grapefruit, orange, lemon and lime, Sugar Kelp, Seaweed grown in Bantry Bay and Fuchsia flower, hand-picked from the local hedge rows, before being chill filtered and then infused with Atlantic Sea salt water.
43.3% ABV.

Origin: Ireland


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Beara Ocean Gin is a hand-crafted small batch gin. It is a blend of four Distillates. Our Base gin is distilled with Juniper, Coriander, Angelica, Cardamom and Orris root, citrus zest, using only the zest from pink grapefruit, orange, lemon and lime, Sugar Kelp, Seaweed grown in Bantry Bay and Fuchsia flower, hand-picked from the local hedge rows, before being chill filtered and then infused with Atlantic Sea salt water.
43.3% ABV.