Gin, Spirits

Kinsale Spirit Gin 700ml

Kinsale Spirit Gin is a premium Irish gin known for its unique blend of botanicals sourced from the Kinsale countryside. It features a combination of 21 botanicals, including meadowsweet, elderflower, lemon verbena, and lemon geranium. These botanicals are carefully handpicked to ensure sustainability and to capture the essence of the local landscape.

The gin is characterized by its floral notes, balanced with the spiciness of juniper and the sweetness of elderflower, creating a well-rounded and exquisite flavor profile. Kinsale Spirit Gin is a London Dry Gin, meaning nothing is added after distillation, ensuring a pure and authentic taste.

Origin: Ireland

ABV %: 40


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Kinsale Spirit Gin is a premium Irish gin known for its unique blend of botanicals sourced from the Kinsale countryside. It features a combination of 21 botanicals, including meadowsweet, elderflower, lemon verbena, and lemon geranium. These botanicals are carefully handpicked to ensure sustainability and to capture the essence of the local landscape. The gin is characterized by its floral notes, balanced with the spiciness of juniper and the sweetness of elderflower, creating a well-rounded and exquisite flavor profile. Kinsale Spirit Gin is a London Dry Gin, meaning nothing is added after distillation, ensuring a pure and authentic taste.

Tasting Notes


Juniper-led, swiftly complemented by a sharp citrus burst from bitter orange and lemon peel, underpinned by a complex layer of spiciness.


A smooth mouthfeel with a rapid explosion of flavors. A pronounced fruitiness from berries, apples, and citrus fruits, with unique fruity notes from lemon verbena and lemon balm, among others, and floral hints from meadowsweet and elderflower. This is succeeded by earthy spices from various roots and seeds.


A comforting warmth from the alcohol, accompanied by rich, earthy spice notes from roots and seeds.