Gin, Spirits

Tanqueray No. Ten Batch Distilled Gin 700ml

Building on Charles Tanqueray’s legacy, Tanqueray No. TEN Gin stands out as an ultra-premium gin, renowned for its smooth, refined character and complex citrus profile. Distilled four times using classic botanicals like juniper, coriander, angelica, and liquorice, it’s elevated by the fresh zest of limes, oranges, and pink grapefruit, alongside delicate chamomile flowers. Tanqueray No. TEN is the bartender’s choice gin for cocktail artistry, distilled in small batches and crafted with meticulous care.

With a vibrant, distinctive citrus heart and a taste profile to complement creativity. Celebrating its status as a hallmark of premium gin excellence, this award-winning gin has garnered acclaim from the Bartender Spirits Awards and The Spirits Business Luxury Masters. Tanqueray No. TEN is perfect as the ultimate luxurious gift for connoisseurs seeking the pinnacle of gin craftsmanship.


Origin: England

ABV %: 47.3


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Building on Charles Tanqueray’s legacy, Tanqueray No. TEN Gin stands out as an ultra-premium gin, renowned for its smooth, refined character and complex citrus profile. Distilled four times using classic botanicals like juniper, coriander, angelica, and liquorice, it’s elevated by the fresh zest of limes, oranges, and pink grapefruit, alongside delicate chamomile flowers. Tanqueray No. TEN is the bartender’s choice gin for cocktail artistry, distilled in small batches and crafted with meticulous care.

With a vibrant, distinctive citrus heart and a taste profile to complement creativity. Celebrating its status as a hallmark of premium gin excellence, this award-winning gin has garnered acclaim from the Bartender Spirits Awards and The Spirits Business Luxury Masters. Tanqueray No. TEN is perfect as the ultimate luxurious gift for connoisseurs seeking the pinnacle of gin craftsmanship.
