Liqueur, Spirits

Aftershock Red 700ml

Combining hot and cool cinnamon flavours, its unusual taste experience has made it a leading shooter drink. One shot kicks off an intense sensation in your mouth and sets your taste buds on fire! Bright red in colour with a strong, hot cinnamon nose. With a hot spicy and sweet palate that ends with a second rush of spice. Very warm finish. Take it in one, then take a deep breath. Best consumed ice cold and neat from a shot glass.

Product Features

  • Weight 700ml
  • ABV 30%
  • Produced in England
  • Cinnamon flavoured liqueur with warm finish

Origin: Ireland


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Combining hot and cool cinnamon flavours, its unusual taste experience has made it a leading shooter drink. One shot kicks off an intense sensation in your mouth and sets your taste buds on fire! Bright red in colour with a strong, hot cinnamon nose. With a hot spicy and sweet palate that ends with a second rush of spice. Very warm finish. Take it in one, then take a deep breath. Best consumed ice cold and neat from a shot glass. Product Features
  • Weight 700ml
  • ABV 30%
  • Produced in England
  • Cinnamon flavoured liqueur with warm finish