Spirits, Vermouth

Martini Fiero Martini Fiero 750ml

MARTINI Fiero is a red vermouth with a refreshing, bold flavour and colour. Made with 100% natural colour and flavour, it offers flavours of hand-cut sweet Spanish oranges from Murcia, Spain.
Every bottle of MARTINI starts with the wines, carefully selected from only the best harvests. Its location in the tiny village of Pessione keeps MARTINI close to the winemakers of Piedmont, the botanical-rich foothills of the Alps, the vermouth trade of Turin and the port of Genoa. From time-honoured classics to limited editions, MARTINI offers a wide range of vermouths, bitters and sparkling wines to enjoy as an aperitivo or in a cocktail. Taste the legacy of craftsmanship and expertise in every bottle.

Origin: Italy

ABV %: 14.9


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MARTINI Fiero is a red vermouth with a refreshing, bold flavour and colour. Made with 100% natural colour and flavour, it offers flavours of hand-cut sweet Spanish oranges from Murcia, Spain.
Every bottle of MARTINI starts with the wines, carefully selected from only the best harvests. Its location in the tiny village of Pessione keeps MARTINI close to the winemakers of Piedmont, the botanical-rich foothills of the Alps, the vermouth trade of Turin and the port of Genoa. From time-honoured classics to limited editions, MARTINI offers a wide range of vermouths, bitters and sparkling wines to enjoy as an aperitivo or in a cocktail. Taste the legacy of craftsmanship and expertise in every bottle.

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