American, Spirits, Whiskey

Woodford Reserve Rye Whiskey 700ml

A well-balanced and refined straight rye. Depending on your stance that is either a good thing or a bad thing! This is subtle on the nose, delicate and light with pleasant woody notes, apples and a touch of mint on the palate. A little more spicy on the finish. The mash bill is just 53% rye which explains the subtleness. Woodford Reserve Straight Rye should work really well in a premium-styled Manhattan or Old Fashioned. Great to see another rye whiskey hit our shelves.

Alcohol % 45.2%

Origin: USA

ABV %: 45.2


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A well-balanced and refined straight rye. Depending on your stance that is either a good thing or a bad thing! This is subtle on the nose, delicate and light with pleasant woody notes, apples and a touch of mint on the palate. A little more spicy on the finish. The mash bill is just 53% rye which explains the subtleness. Woodford Reserve Straight Rye should work really well in a premium-styled Manhattan or Old Fashioned. Great to see another rye whiskey hit our shelves. Alcohol % 45.2%