American, Bourbon, Spirits, Whiskey

Makers Mark Bourbon 700ml

Maker’s Mark is a hand-crafted American Whisky with quality and flavour at the heart of everything we do. Never bitter or sharp, Maker’s Mark is made with a sort of red winter wheat, instead of the traditional rye, for a one-of-a-kind, full-flavoured bourbon that’s easy to drink.

Pronounced notes of vanilla, caramel and woody oak with a light amber colour. Created with a soft, rich, creamy and balanced flavour vision in mind that founder Bill Samuels would be proud to share with his family and friends. Aged in new toasted American Oak barrels, aged to taste, not time and every barrel is rotated by hand for a smoother flavour. Every bottle of Maker’s is still hand-dipped in our signature red wax at our distillery in Loretto, Kentucky, just like Bill, Sr, would have wanted.

Origin: USA

ABV %: 45


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Maker’s Mark is a hand-crafted American Whisky with quality and flavour at the heart of everything we do. Never bitter or sharp, Maker’s Mark is made with a sort of red winter wheat, instead of the traditional rye, for a one-of-a-kind, full-flavoured bourbon that’s easy to drink. Pronounced notes of vanilla, caramel and woody oak with a light amber colour. Created with a soft, rich, creamy and balanced flavour vision in mind that founder Bill Samuels would be proud to share with his family and friends. Aged in new toasted American Oak barrels, aged to taste, not time and every barrel is rotated by hand for a smoother flavour. Every bottle of Maker’s is still hand-dipped in our signature red wax at our distillery in Loretto, Kentucky, just like Bill, Sr, would have wanted.

Tasting Notes


Sweet oak, vanilla, bright fruit and wheat prevail in the nose


Sweet with balance of oak, vanilla and fruity essences


Smooth and creamy with a pleasant soft spice and clean finish