Irish Whiskey, Midleton, Spirits, Spot Whiskeys, Whiskey

Yellow Spot Single Cask 700ml

The Yellow Spot Single Cask Pot Still Irish Whiskey is initially matured in bourbon barrels and then recasked into a Malaga cask. Aged for a minimum of 13 years, it is a rare example of a true whiskey bonder’s style of whiskey – a single cask that pays tribute to a bygone age of whiskey bonding. This 13-year-old Irish whiskey has a wonderful nose of fruit layers, ranging from orange zest to ripe blackcurrants, sun-dried grapes and sweet cherries -with rich notes of cinnamon spice and cedarwood along with vanilla and honeycomb – that are matched on the palate. Bottled at 57%

Origin: Ireland

ABV %: 57


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The Yellow Spot Single Cask Pot Still Irish Whiskey is initially matured in bourbon barrels and then recasked into a Malaga cask. Aged for a minimum of 13 years, it is a rare example of a true whiskey bonder’s style of whiskey – a single cask that pays tribute to a bygone age of whiskey bonding. This 13-year-old Irish whiskey has a wonderful nose of fruit layers, ranging from orange zest to ripe blackcurrants, sun-dried grapes and sweet cherries -with rich notes of cinnamon spice and cedarwood along with vanilla and honeycomb – that are matched on the palate. Bottled at 57%

Tasting Notes


A wonderful medley of fruits ranging from orange zest to ripe blackcurrants, sun-dried grapes and sweet cherries. Rich notes of cinnamon spice and freshly sawn cedarwood continue to build over time along with layers of vanilla and honeycomb. The pot still spices add a light dusting of black pepper that gently lingers in the background.


Silk-like, mouthcoating texture, rich with dried fruits and treacle toffee followed by notes of floral honey with barley sugar and vanilla undertones. Nutmeg spice, ginger and cinnamon intertwine with the oak’s soft tannins, while sweet orchard fruits emerge with subtle hints of white chocolate.


Lingering and sweet – the pot still spices slowly fade, allowing the waves of dried fruits and oak to ebb and flow until the very end.