Irish Whiskey, Spirits, Waterford, Whiskey

Waterford Gaia 1.1 700ml

Organic: Gaia 1.1 is the first organic Irish whisky as certified by the Organic Trust, having met rigorous production regimens and audits. It begins our new Arcadian Series – our unconventional array of organic, biodynamic and heritage distillates. This first whisky is distilled from organic Irish barley grown by Paddy Tobin, Alan Jackson, Pat and Denis Booth, Jason Stanley, Trevor Harris and John Mallick.

Origin: Ireland

ABV %: 50


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Organic: Gaia 1.1 is the first organic Irish whisky as certified by the Organic Trust, having met rigorous production regimens and audits. It begins our new Arcadian Series – our unconventional array of organic, biodynamic and heritage distillates. This first whisky is distilled from organic Irish barley grown by Paddy Tobin, Alan Jackson, Pat and Denis Booth, Jason Stanley, Trevor Harris and John Mallick.