Cardhu, Scotch, Spirits

Cardhu Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml

Cardhu in a glass, admiring its golden colour and smooth texture. Inhale lightly to appreciate the layers of subtle aromas you have just released. Then taste, to discover a smooth, rich flavour with delicious layers of fruit, honey and nutty sweetness that will delight all, with or without ice.

Origin: Ireland


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Cardhu in a glass, admiring its golden colour and smooth texture. Inhale lightly to appreciate the layers of subtle aromas you have just released. Then taste, to discover a smooth, rich flavour with delicious layers of fruit, honey and nutty sweetness that will delight all, with or without ice.

Tasting Notes


On the nose, Cardhu Scotch Whisky has a gentle aroma of sweet malted barley and honey, with hints of vanilla and oak.


On the palate, it is creamy and well-balanced, with flavors of toffee, dried fruit, and a subtle smokiness.


The finish is warm and smooth, with a touch of spiciness that lingers on the tongue.