Scotch, Spirits, Wolfies

Wolfies Blended Scotch 700ml

The perfect blend of grain and malt whiskies aged in American oak bourbon casks. Wolfie’s is a bold, unapologetic spirit that captures the essence of rock ‘n’ roll in every drop. It balances smoothness with a rebellious edge, perfect for those who crave something authentic, full of character, and out of the ordinary.

Origin: Scotland

ABV %: 40


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The perfect blend of grain and malt whiskies aged in American oak bourbon casks. Wolfie’s is a bold, unapologetic spirit that captures the essence of rock ‘n’ roll in every drop. It balances smoothness with a rebellious edge, perfect for those who crave something authentic, full of character, and out of the ordinary.

Tasting Notes


Like a backstage rush, Wolfie’s hits you hard with the bold scent of warm apple pie, dusted with cinnamon. Then comes that sweet butterscotch riff, vanilla vibes, and a drop of smoky, soft peat bringing it home.


It’s a wild ride—cinnamon swirls kickstart the show, followed by smooth vanilla and juicy poached pear. The sweet smoke and syrupy flapjack roll in like a bassline, leaving you wanting more.


A finale of fresh citrus peel and spiced orchard fruits, leaving behind an encore of charred oak and lingering vanilla.