Cognac, Spirits

Courvoisier VS Cognac 700ml

Discover the joy of Courvoisier with our signature VS Cognac. Delicate flavours of spring blooms meet notes of apple, pear and grapefruit, effortlessly complemented by a smooth and fresh oaky finish. It can be drank neat, but makes an exuberant addition to long drinks. This blended cognac is a vivid marriage of Fins Bois, Bons Bois and Petite Champagne for the perfect combination of subtlety and complexity.

This meticulously blended cognac is an authentic invitation to experience Cognac in blossom, and taste the heritage of Jarnac, the special place we are proud to call home. A lively blend of youthful and aged cognacs, Courvoisier VS has an intriguing balanced taste.

Expect delicate flavours of spring blossoms with a hint of ripe orchard fruits such as apple and pear, with the juicy tang of grapefruit. These fruity and floral flavours lead to a smooth, fresh and oaky finish. A joyful introduction to Cognac in blossom, Courvoisier VS can be sipped by itself or mixed into a cocktail.

Origin: Ireland


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Discover the joy of Courvoisier with our signature VS Cognac. Delicate flavours of spring blooms meet notes of apple, pear and grapefruit, effortlessly complemented by a smooth and fresh oaky finish. It can be drank neat, but makes an exuberant addition to long drinks. This blended cognac is a vivid marriage of Fins Bois, Bons Bois and Petite Champagne for the perfect combination of subtlety and complexity. This meticulously blended cognac is an authentic invitation to experience Cognac in blossom, and taste the heritage of Jarnac, the special place we are proud to call home. A lively blend of youthful and aged cognacs, Courvoisier VS has an intriguing balanced taste. Expect delicate flavours of spring blossoms with a hint of ripe orchard fruits such as apple and pear, with the juicy tang of grapefruit. These fruity and floral flavours lead to a smooth, fresh and oaky finish. A joyful introduction to Cognac in blossom, Courvoisier VS can be sipped by itself or mixed into a cocktail.