Bailey’s Original Irish Cream Liqueur Bottle 700ml
Baileys is the World’s Number 1 Irish Cream Liqueur around the globe*. With its distinct velvety texture, it is a perfect combination of smooth cream and Irish whiskey. Enjoy on its own, over ice or in your favourite coffee. And if you are looking for more ways to indulge, from gooey Baileys Irish Cream Cheesecake to classy Baileys Espresso Martini, Baileys recipes hit the sweet spot every time. Drawing on Irish traditions in dairy and distilling, the unique combination took four years to perfect the ultimate liquid treat.
Once upon a time, a small, let’s say, determined group had a brilliant but lofty idea where they tried to have their cake and eat it too. You see, our founders wanted to take two simple treasures that their country was known for, delicious dairy cream and world-renowned Irish whiskey, and combine them. It took two years of trial and error but by 1974 we had added the finest spirits, rich chocolate and vanilla flavours (with some other flavours and ingredients) along with a little magic, to create the Baileys recipe we now know and love. And if you are looking for more ways to indulge, from gooey Baileys Irish Cream Cheesecake to classy Baileys Espresso Martini and Hot Chocolate, Baileys recipes hit the sweet spot every time.
Origin: Ireland
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Baileys is the World’s Number 1 Irish Cream Liqueur around the globe*. With its distinct velvety texture, it is a perfect combination of smooth cream and Irish whiskey. Enjoy on its own, over ice or in your favourite coffee. And if you are looking for more ways to indulge, from gooey Baileys Irish Cream Cheesecake to classy Baileys Espresso Martini, Baileys recipes hit the sweet spot every time. Drawing on Irish traditions in dairy and distilling, the unique combination took four years to perfect the ultimate liquid treat.
Once upon a time, a small, let’s say, determined group had a brilliant but lofty idea where they tried to have their cake and eat it too. You see, our founders wanted to take two simple treasures that their country was known for, delicious dairy cream and world-renowned Irish whiskey, and combine them. It took two years of trial and error but by 1974 we had added the finest spirits, rich chocolate and vanilla flavours (with some other flavours and ingredients) along with a little magic, to create the Baileys recipe we now know and love. And if you are looking for more ways to indulge, from gooey Baileys Irish Cream Cheesecake to classy Baileys Espresso Martini and Hot Chocolate, Baileys recipes hit the sweet spot every time.