Gin, Spirits

Blackwater No.5 Gin 700ml

The same award-winning classic London Dry Gin, distilled from the purest spirit, the finest botanicals and soft local water, but with a new BOLD look. The spirit balances the confident juniper notes of a traditional London Dry with bright coriander, warm cinnamon and zesty lemon. Blackwater No. 5 Gin is crisp and elegant, great as a G&T, and excellent in a cocktail.

We designed Blackwater No. 5 Gin from top to bottom using only the botanicals imported into Ireland by Whites of Waterford during the 19th century. Of the twelve botanicals used, ten are classic while two are rather special and probably unique to Blackwater No.5 Gin. All are locally sourced where possible, or from wherever in the world the finest grade happens to be.

Origin: Ireland


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The same award-winning classic London Dry Gin, distilled from the purest spirit, the finest botanicals and soft local water, but with a new BOLD look. The spirit balances the confident juniper notes of a traditional London Dry with bright coriander, warm cinnamon and zesty lemon. Blackwater No. 5 Gin is crisp and elegant, great as a G&T, and excellent in a cocktail. We designed Blackwater No. 5 Gin from top to bottom using only the botanicals imported into Ireland by Whites of Waterford during the 19th century. Of the twelve botanicals used, ten are classic while two are rather special and probably unique to Blackwater No.5 Gin. All are locally sourced where possible, or from wherever in the world the finest grade happens to be.