Gin, Spirits

Bombay Sapphire Gin 700ml

Bombay Sapphire Gin features 10 all-natural, sustainably sourced exotic botanicals from locations around the world, creating a balanced, bright, fresh and clean flavour. This premium gin is versatile and perfect for cocktail creativity.
Bombay Sapphire produces the world’s number-one premium gin known for its distinctive blue bottle. To create the finest gin possible, Bombay Sapphire uses hand-selected, sustainably sourced botanicals from exotic locations around the world. The gin is vapour-infused with all the rich, aromatic flavours of the botanicals, creating a wonderfully distinctive taste. From the heat of Moroccan cubeb berries to the spice of West African grains of paradise, every one of the botanicals is chosen to bring something special to Bombay Gin.
World famous Bombay Sapphire Gin, the world’s number one premium gin known for its distinctive blue bottle London Dry gin made with ten hand-selected, sustainably sourced botanicals that create a balanced, bright, fresh flavourCrafted using a unique vapour infusion that draws distinctive flavours from botanicalsEnjoy cocktail creativity with gin cocktails including a Bombay Mule, Red Snapper, Bombay Spritz or classic Gin and TonicAwards include double gold at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition in 2017 and gold at the Beverage Testing Institute in 2019

Origin: Ireland


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Bombay Sapphire Gin features 10 all-natural, sustainably sourced exotic botanicals from locations around the world, creating a balanced, bright, fresh and clean flavour. This premium gin is versatile and perfect for cocktail creativity.
Bombay Sapphire produces the world’s number-one premium gin known for its distinctive blue bottle. To create the finest gin possible, Bombay Sapphire uses hand-selected, sustainably sourced botanicals from exotic locations around the world. The gin is vapour-infused with all the rich, aromatic flavours of the botanicals, creating a wonderfully distinctive taste. From the heat of Moroccan cubeb berries to the spice of West African grains of paradise, every one of the botanicals is chosen to bring something special to Bombay Gin.
World famous Bombay Sapphire Gin, the world’s number one premium gin known for its distinctive blue bottle London Dry gin made with ten hand-selected, sustainably sourced botanicals that create a balanced, bright, fresh flavourCrafted using a unique vapour infusion that draws distinctive flavours from botanicalsEnjoy cocktail creativity with gin cocktails including a Bombay Mule, Red Snapper, Bombay Spritz or classic Gin and TonicAwards include double gold at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition in 2017 and gold at the Beverage Testing Institute in 2019