Gin, Spirits

Dingle Gin Mini 50ml

The 50ml mini version of the classic Dingle Gin – An Irish gin that grows in stature year on year from one of the most beautiful parts of Ireland situated on the Wild Atlantic Way in Dingle, County Kerry. Made with water from the distillery’s own well and infused with local botanicals such as rowan berries from the mountain ash trees, fuchsia, bog myrtle, heather and hawthorn, it’s a true taste of the Kerry landscape.

Origin: Ireland


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The 50ml mini version of the classic Dingle Gin – An Irish gin that grows in stature year on year from one of the most beautiful parts of Ireland situated on the Wild Atlantic Way in Dingle, County Kerry. Made with water from the distillery’s own well and infused with local botanicals such as rowan berries from the mountain ash trees, fuchsia, bog myrtle, heather and hawthorn, it’s a true taste of the Kerry landscape.

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