Gin, Spirits

Kopparberg Mixed Fruit Gin 700ml

A London Dry Style Gin, double distilled with botanicals of juniper, coriander and lemon zest, infused with raspberries and blackcurrants to create a refreshingly bold and balanced serve. Perfect for warm evenings spent outside with friends.
Kopparberg now boasts a portfolio of fruit refreshment products both within and outside of the fruit cider category, including the recently launched Kopparberg Premium Gin, a range of premium gins with distinctive flavours that made Kopparberg famous. Enjoy Kopparberg with friends to unlock the feeling of the best times outside

Origin: Sweden

ABV %: 37.5


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A London Dry Style Gin, double distilled with botanicals of juniper, coriander and lemon zest, infused with raspberries and blackcurrants to create a refreshingly bold and balanced serve. Perfect for warm evenings spent outside with friends.
Kopparberg now boasts a portfolio of fruit refreshment products both within and outside of the fruit cider category, including the recently launched Kopparberg Premium Gin, a range of premium gins with distinctive flavours that made Kopparberg famous. Enjoy Kopparberg with friends to unlock the feeling of the best times outside