Gin, Spirits

Thin Gin 700ml

Distilled in Co. Waterford.

Thin Gin is a multi-award winning Irish Gin from Anchor Spirits Ireland based in Waterford City.

Made with more than 20 different botanicals, many of which are Irish grown and noticeable on the front palate including apple, wild thyme, elderflower, gorse and tansy.

Mellow juniper, yellow apple and herb aromas with a hint of orange peel, crisp and fruity on the palate before the spice kicks in — lingering cardamom and coriander on the finish.

Alcohol Vol: 40%

Origin: Ireland

ABV %: 40


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Distilled in Co. Waterford. Thin Gin is a multi-award winning Irish Gin from Anchor Spirits Ireland based in Waterford City. Made with more than 20 different botanicals, many of which are Irish grown and noticeable on the front palate including apple, wild thyme, elderflower, gorse and tansy. Mellow juniper, yellow apple and herb aromas with a hint of orange peel, crisp and fruity on the palate before the spice kicks in — lingering cardamom and coriander on the finish. Alcohol Vol: 40%