Liqueur, Spirits

Goldschlager Liqueur 700ml

Made in Switzerland, this unique cinnamon schnapps gained popularity in the 1990s and contains real 24 carat gold flakes. The name comes from the German for ‘gold beater’ which is a reference to the workers who would beat gold in to sheets. You might think this would be a difficult drink to use in cocktails but it actually works very well with rum or Bison Grass vodka based drinks.

Origin: Ireland


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Made in Switzerland, this unique cinnamon schnapps gained popularity in the 1990s and contains real 24 carat gold flakes. The name comes from the German for ‘gold beater’ which is a reference to the workers who would beat gold in to sheets. You might think this would be a difficult drink to use in cocktails but it actually works very well with rum or Bison Grass vodka based drinks.