Liqueur, Spirits

Luxardo Limoncello 700ml

Limoncello follows the ancient tradition of infusing lemon peels in alcohol, making it one of the world’s most renowned Italian liqueurs. Rich yellow in colour with pleasant lemon aromas. Well-rounded with aromatic freshness to the palate. Best served at room temperature or cold as a ‘digestive’ drink or as an aperitif. Recommended with sparkling wine, on ice cream, or with fruit salad or strawberries.

Origin: Italy

ABV %: 27


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Limoncello follows the ancient tradition of infusing lemon peels in alcohol, making it one of the world’s most renowned Italian liqueurs. Rich yellow in colour with pleasant lemon aromas. Well-rounded with aromatic freshness to the palate. Best served at room temperature or cold as a ‘digestive’ drink or as an aperitif. Recommended with sparkling wine, on ice cream, or with fruit salad or strawberries.