Liqueur, Spirits

Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream Liqueur 500ml

Tequila Rose is an exciting alcohol liqueur that is a unique blend of strawberry-flavoured real dairy cream mixed with a splash of Mexican tequila. Strawberry cream provides sweetness, softness and roundness with a hint of Tequila that gives the spirit liqueur great body, depth and structure.

Tequila Rose is perfectly served chilled. Delicious over ice, Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream liqueur also works brilliantly as a mixer and as a base for cocktails.

Origin: USA

ABV %: 15


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Tequila Rose is an exciting alcohol liqueur that is a unique blend of strawberry-flavoured real dairy cream mixed with a splash of Mexican tequila. Strawberry cream provides sweetness, softness and roundness with a hint of Tequila that gives the spirit liqueur great body, depth and structure. Tequila Rose is perfectly served chilled. Delicious over ice, Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream liqueur also works brilliantly as a mixer and as a base for cocktails.