Spirits, Tequila

La Chica Silver 700ml

La Chica Silver (House) La Chica Silver Tequila which originates from Mexico is a very pure and smooth tequila. It is produced traditionally from distilled cactus juice that produces a spirit of 38% abv. La Chica Silver Tequila is great to sip and savour or ideal as a shooter, in a Margarita or other cocktails.

Origin: Mexico

ABV %: 38


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La Chica Silver (House) La Chica Silver Tequila which originates from Mexico is a very pure and smooth tequila. It is produced traditionally from distilled cactus juice that produces a spirit of 38% abv. La Chica Silver Tequila is great to sip and savour or ideal as a shooter, in a Margarita or other cocktails.