Spirits, Tequila

Patron Silver Tequila 700ml

Patron Silver is crystal clear, ultra-premium tequila. This light, fresh tequila is a favourite of tequila connoisseurs worldwide. Many prefer this smooth and slightly oaky flavour. Patron Silver is the perfect ingredient in your favourite Margarita or in your favourite mixed cocktail. It is also delicious neat or on the rocks.
The Patron bottle is unique. Each beautifully designed glass bottle is hand-made and individually numbered making every bottle a collectable.

ABV 40%

Origin: Mexico

ABV %: 40


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Patron Silver is crystal clear, ultra-premium tequila. This light, fresh tequila is a favourite of tequila connoisseurs worldwide. Many prefer this smooth and slightly oaky flavour. Patron Silver is the perfect ingredient in your favourite Margarita or in your favourite mixed cocktail. It is also delicious neat or on the rocks. The Patron bottle is unique. Each beautifully designed glass bottle is hand-made and individually numbered making every bottle a collectable. ABV 40%