Spirits, Vodka

Ketel One Vodka 700ml

At the heart of Ketel One Vodka lies one family’s passion for fine spirits. Inspired by over 300 years of family distilling expertise, Ketel One is a marriage of old-world pot still craft and modern distilling techniques, resulting in a distinctive crisp and sophisticated taste. Personally approved by the family before bottling. Ketel One is crafted for exceptional taste.

Origin: Netherlands

ABV %: 40


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At the heart of Ketel One Vodka lies one family’s passion for fine spirits. Inspired by over 300 years of family distilling expertise, Ketel One is a marriage of old-world pot still craft and modern distilling techniques, resulting in a distinctive crisp and sophisticated taste. Personally approved by the family before bottling. Ketel One is crafted for exceptional taste.