Spirits, Vodka

Lithuanian Vodka 200ml

Produced in Lithuania, would you believe it, the Lithuanian Vodka is distilled through a pure silver filter, giving it an impeccable quality that it is well known locally and international for. The vodka can be consumed chilled, in a shot glass or the versatile spirit can be used as a mixer in soft drinks or as a base ingredient in cocktails. The geographical location of the distillery in Lithuania is protected under a regulation by the Council of the European Union.

Origin: Lithuania

ABV %: 40


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Produced in Lithuania, would you believe it, the Lithuanian Vodka is distilled through a pure silver filter, giving it an impeccable quality that it is well known locally and international for. The vodka can be consumed chilled, in a shot glass or the versatile spirit can be used as a mixer in soft drinks or as a base ingredient in cocktails. The geographical location of the distillery in Lithuania is protected under a regulation by the Council of the European Union.