Spirits, Vodka

Smirnoff Raspberry Crush Vodka 700ml

Smirnoff Raspberry Crush Flavoured Vodka is a delicious raspberry-flavoured vodka with the natural flavours of pink raspberries. Made with unmistakably smooth Smirnoff No. 21 vodka, triple distilled from a blend of the finest grains and filtered ten times in a unique process through seven columns of charcoal. This results in a luscious combination of exceptionally smooth taste and sweet juicy raspberry flavours.

Smirnoff Raspberry Crush is the perfect accompaniment for get-togethers with friends and is best served with lemonade over ice and a slice of lemon or raspberry – mix up delicious Smirnoff Raspberry Flavoured Vodka cocktails that everyone will love.

Origin: Russia

ABV %: 35


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Smirnoff Raspberry Crush Flavoured Vodka is a delicious raspberry-flavoured vodka with the natural flavours of pink raspberries. Made with unmistakably smooth Smirnoff No. 21 vodka, triple distilled from a blend of the finest grains and filtered ten times in a unique process through seven columns of charcoal. This results in a luscious combination of exceptionally smooth taste and sweet juicy raspberry flavours. Smirnoff Raspberry Crush is the perfect accompaniment for get-togethers with friends and is best served with lemonade over ice and a slice of lemon or raspberry – mix up delicious Smirnoff Raspberry Flavoured Vodka cocktails that everyone will love.