Spirits, Vodka

Two Trees Vodka 1000ml

Two Trees Vodka is an artisan quality vodka, triple distilled and double charcoal filtered – produced exclusively from wheat. Two Trees Vodka is a genuine small-batch vodka.

West Cork Distillers was formed in 2003 by childhood friends John O’Connell, Ger McCarthy and Denis McCarthy. WCD currently operate out of a 12.5-acre site in Skibbereen in West Cork and export to over 70 countries.

Origin: Ireland

ABV %: 37.5


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Two Trees Vodka is an artisan quality vodka, triple distilled and double charcoal filtered – produced exclusively from wheat. Two Trees Vodka is a genuine small-batch vodka. West Cork Distillers was formed in 2003 by childhood friends John O’Connell, Ger McCarthy and Denis McCarthy. WCD currently operate out of a 12.5-acre site in Skibbereen in West Cork and export to over 70 countries.