American, Spirits, Whiskey

Jack Daniels 700ml

Hailing from Lynchburg, Tennessee, the iconic Jack Daniels No 7 is one of the smoothest American whiskeys you can get your hands on. It’s filtered through sugar maple charcoal then matured in handcrafted barrels and the result is a sweet, oaky whiskey with caramel and liquorice notes. A great choice for cocktails.

Sweet vanilla, caramel & a hint of oak on the nose. The taste is balanced and smooth with oak, sweet caramel & liquorice notes.

Origin: Ireland


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Hailing from Lynchburg, Tennessee, the iconic Jack Daniels No 7 is one of the smoothest American whiskeys you can get your hands on. It’s filtered through sugar maple charcoal then matured in handcrafted barrels and the result is a sweet, oaky whiskey with caramel and liquorice notes. A great choice for cocktails. Sweet vanilla, caramel & a hint of oak on the nose. The taste is balanced and smooth with oak, sweet caramel & liquorice notes.