American, Spirits, Whiskey

Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Apple 700ml

Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Apple is a delicious, complex Jack. It delivers the unique character of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey coupled with the taste of crisp, green apple. Described by our master distiller Chris Fletcher, as “Like a freshly picked apple in a glass of Jack.” Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Apple can be enjoyed chilled, neat and in many cocktails.Aroma: Crisp green apple and classic Old No. 7 cues of caramel, oak, and soft spice

Origin: Ireland


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Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Apple is a delicious, complex Jack. It delivers the unique character of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey coupled with the taste of crisp, green apple. Described by our master distiller Chris Fletcher, as “Like a freshly picked apple in a glass of Jack.” Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Apple can be enjoyed chilled, neat and in many cocktails.Aroma: Crisp green apple and classic Old No. 7 cues of caramel, oak, and soft spice

Tasting Notes


Crisp green apple and classic Old No. 7 cues of caramel, oak, and soft spice


Fresh cut apples combine with warm caramel and toffee that balance with the classic spices


Rich and smooth with sweet apples and a touch of toasted oak