Irish Whiskey, Jameson, Spirits, Whiskey

Jameson Black Barrel 700ml

Jameson Black Barrel is an exceptional blend of our best Select Batch Whiskeys. Crafted from distinct batches, matured in different barrel types and expertly aged to deliver a rich and sublimely smooth taste.

Untold richness and complexity await in every drop of Jameson Black Barrel. It’s perfect on its own or on the rocks, but it’s also commonly known as the best whiskey for an Old Fashioned. Don’t trust us? Taste it. So, care to meet our beloved Black Barrel whiskey. Must be a Jameson Black Barrel.

Origin: Ireland


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Jameson Black Barrel is an exceptional blend of our best Select Batch Whiskeys. Crafted from distinct batches, matured in different barrel types and expertly aged to deliver a rich and sublimely smooth taste. Untold richness and complexity await in every drop of Jameson Black Barrel. It’s perfect on its own or on the rocks, but it’s also commonly known as the best whiskey for an Old Fashioned. Don’t trust us? Taste it. So, care to meet our beloved Black Barrel whiskey. Must be a Jameson Black Barrel.

Tasting Notes


Time spent maturing in these barrels leads to intensified aromas of butterscotch, fudge and creamy toffee.


Nutty notes are in abundance alongside the smooth sweetness of spice and vanilla.


Enjoy the richness and intensity of toasted wood and vanilla.