Irish Whiskey, Jim Mac, Spirits, Whiskey

Jim Mac Irish Whiskey 700ml

Jim Mac Irish Whiskey is a special premium blended Irish whiskey, packed with character and featuring a careful mix of grain and malt. The grain has been matured in first-fill bourbon casks. The malt has been exclusively matured in first-fill Oloroso sherry casks giving it a depth of flavour and character. It has rich spiced fruit, vanilla and Christmas cake notes and develops into a warm lingering smooth finish.

Origin: Ireland

ABV %: 40


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Jim Mac Irish Whiskey is a special premium blended Irish whiskey, packed with character and featuring a careful mix of grain and malt. The grain has been matured in first-fill bourbon casks. The malt has been exclusively matured in first-fill Oloroso sherry casks giving it a depth of flavour and character. It has rich spiced fruit, vanilla and Christmas cake notes and develops into a warm lingering smooth finish.

Tasting Notes


Rich aromas of spicy vanilla and sherry.


Flavors of spiced fruits, chocolate, almonds, and hints of Christmas cake.


A warm, smooth finish with lingering notes of vanilla and sherry.