Irish Whiskey, Spirits, Spot Whiskeys, Whiskey

Blue Spot Cask Strength 700ml

Embodying the unmistakable qualities of Pot Still Irish Whiskey, Blue Spot 7-Year-Old Cask Strength is crafted through maturation in Bourbon barrels, Sherry butts, and Portuguese Madeira casks for at least seven years, this non-chill filtered gem embodies pure authenticity.

It’s bottled at cask strength with no additives, promising a full-flavoured and uniquely satisfying whiskey journey. Uncover the hidden history of the revered Blue Spot, now reintroduced after over a century, uniting the historical Spot Family once more.

Origin: Ireland


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Embodying the unmistakable qualities of Pot Still Irish Whiskey, Blue Spot 7-Year-Old Cask Strength is crafted through maturation in Bourbon barrels, Sherry butts, and Portuguese Madeira casks for at least seven years, this non-chill filtered gem embodies pure authenticity. It’s bottled at cask strength with no additives, promising a full-flavoured and uniquely satisfying whiskey journey. Uncover the hidden history of the revered Blue Spot, now reintroduced after over a century, uniting the historical Spot Family once more.

Tasting Notes


A light mix of pineapple, kiwi, green banana and lime zest followed by Pot Still spices, baked apple, hazelnut and toasted wood.


A smooth mouthfeel with a subtle mix of fruit, a hint of clove oil and cracked black pepper corns. Sweet spices, vanilla and cinnamon add to the wood’s nutty contribution.


Smooth Mouthfeel

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