Irish Whiskey, Spirits, Tipperary, Whiskey

Tipperary Single Field Rioja 700ml

This whiskey was distilled at another Irish distillery under Stuart Nickerson’s expert supervision, to exacting distillation standards.

The main focus is the unique terroir, from the barley being grown to maturation in our own warehouse through to reducing to bottling strength with our own water and bottling here on the farm with our own hands. The grain type, strain, planting time and conditions, soil elements, etc are all detailed and available via a label QR code to our customers, emphasising the distinctive components of our single raw ingredient: homegrown malted barley.

The rest of this whiskey is currently maturing in a traditional warehouse on Ballindoney farm, With Tipperary’s mild climate and temperate winters, we have the ideal conditions for an extraordinary Irish whiskey.

We tell a unique Irish story. We have true heritage from our farm in Tipperary, embodied in our homegrown, single estate whiskey. This authentic local Provenance provides a uniquely valuable experience to sophisticated, knowledgeable whiskey drinkers.

Origin: Ireland

ABV %: 51.5


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This whiskey was distilled at another Irish distillery under Stuart Nickerson’s expert supervision, to exacting distillation standards. The main focus is the unique terroir, from the barley being grown to maturation in our own warehouse through to reducing to bottling strength with our own water and bottling here on the farm with our own hands. The grain type, strain, planting time and conditions, soil elements, etc are all detailed and available via a label QR code to our customers, emphasising the distinctive components of our single raw ingredient: homegrown malted barley. The rest of this whiskey is currently maturing in a traditional warehouse on Ballindoney farm, With Tipperary’s mild climate and temperate winters, we have the ideal conditions for an extraordinary Irish whiskey. We tell a unique Irish story. We have true heritage from our farm in Tipperary, embodied in our homegrown, single estate whiskey. This authentic local Provenance provides a uniquely valuable experience to sophisticated, knowledgeable whiskey drinkers.

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