Scotch, Spirits

Oban 14 Years Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml

Oban 14 Years Whisky is a classic Scotch whisky that is highly regarded for its complex and refined flavour profile. Produced at the Oban Distillery in the Scottish Highlands, this exceptional whisky is made using a combination of malted barley and pure spring water. The whisky is then aged for a minimum of 14 years in ex-bourbon and ex-sherry casks, resulting in a rich and full-bodied taste with notes of fruit, spice, and a subtle hint of smoke. The distillery, founded in 1794, is dedicated to producing exceptional whisky using traditional techniques. Enjoy this exceptional whisky neat or with a drop of water and savour its unique flavours.

Origin: Scotland

ABV %: 43


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Oban 14 Years Whisky is a classic Scotch whisky that is highly regarded for its complex and refined flavour profile. Produced at the Oban Distillery in the Scottish Highlands, this exceptional whisky is made using a combination of malted barley and pure spring water. The whisky is then aged for a minimum of 14 years in ex-bourbon and ex-sherry casks, resulting in a rich and full-bodied taste with notes of fruit, spice, and a subtle hint of smoke. The distillery, founded in 1794, is dedicated to producing exceptional whisky using traditional techniques. Enjoy this exceptional whisky neat or with a drop of water and savour its unique flavours.

Tasting Notes


The nose is rich and smoky. The medicinal notes are quite evident with notes of the sea; seaweed, tarry ropes.


There are notes of cut hay and wood smoke rising with a gentle estery sweetness. The palate is thick and full. Notes of citrus with smooth sweetness. The smoke wafts with notes of seaweed.


The oak is quite rich with grist and cereal and malt. The finish is of good length with fruit and dry oak.