Gin, Spirits

Gordons Dry Gin 350ml

Gordon’s gin was established in 1769 by Alexander Gordon as he set out on a mission to produce a gloriously-flavoured gin worthy of carrying his family name. Gordon believed that success lay in the perfect combination of pure distilled grain spirit and rich botanicals. To this day Gordon’s is distilled to this same exacting standard, the product is triple distilled to guarantee the purity of the gin, and the exact blend of our botanicals remains a closely guarded secret. The attention to detail results in a distinctive that mixes perfect in long mixed drinks and cocktails.To savour the great taste for yourself, mix a Gordon’s & Tonic and garnish with lime. It’s the classic long mixed drink, ideal any time, but especially good when enjoyed with friends.

Origin: Ireland


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Gordon’s gin was established in 1769 by Alexander Gordon as he set out on a mission to produce a gloriously-flavoured gin worthy of carrying his family name. Gordon believed that success lay in the perfect combination of pure distilled grain spirit and rich botanicals. To this day Gordon’s is distilled to this same exacting standard, the product is triple distilled to guarantee the purity of the gin, and the exact blend of our botanicals remains a closely guarded secret. The attention to detail results in a distinctive that mixes perfect in long mixed drinks and cocktails.To savour the great taste for yourself, mix a Gordon’s & Tonic and garnish with lime. It’s the classic long mixed drink, ideal any time, but especially good when enjoyed with friends.